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United States
Buena Park
Sell | Buy | Rent | Mortgages | Luxury Homes | Income / Investment / Flip Properties | Distress Properties | 1031 Exchange | Foreclosures | REO | Short Sales | Probate Sales | Mortgage Help | Commercial Sales / Lease | All Cash Buy Out | Insurance Services

714.485.5022 | 323.325.5858 | | Residential/Commercial
Expanded Service Description

in Business Management, Brian S. has the practice and knowledge to service clients in multiple areas but not just limited to Real Estate, also in Home, Auto, Business, and other types of insurances, as well as business development.

Altogether these qualifications, build Brian S. to be the perfect realtor with much enthusiasm and drive to help your family find the perfect home. He not only stops there, but Brian S. also goes above and beyond for all clients to make sure they completely understand the steps throughout the process, protecting his clients, and insuring all their investments.

“I am honored to service every client’s transactions with top level service, by keeping them informed, negotiating each deal, whether as a buyer or seller, communicating with all parties, and making them feel secure and confident throughout the whole process. As a buyer, I am a strong negotiator and have optimized the buying process so my clients will benefit the most. As a seller, my selling system is structured so that my clients’ properties are thoroughly marketed throughout all the selling systems which results in netting the most money at the end of the transaction.”
-Brian Shuhaibar, Realtor® / Insurance Agent

Business Type - Select ALL that Apply
Residential Real Estate
Buyers Agent, Listing Agent, Relocation, Foreclosure/Short Sale, Management and Consulting
License Type
Sales Agent/Associate
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